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Do you know the differences between the movie and anime version of Demon Slayer's Mugen Train arc?
Akaza added a hefty dose of suspense to the Mugen Train Arc, but why was he there in the first place? The answer is given in the first episode of the Entertainment District, but we're glad to share it with you here.
Deciding to cut your own neck is not exactly an easy decision to make, so what led Tanjirou to take this course of action? It's actually a chain of happenings, which we explain further in this article.
In this article we give a short but complete explanation on why Tanjirou didn't cut the rope in the Mugen Train arc of Demon Slayer, an explanation which as omitted in both the movie and anime version of the story.
Demon Slayer Mugen Train The Movie vs. Anime Episodes Differences
Confused about the fact that there is both a Mugen Train arc movie and anime adaptation? Find out the differences and what's better here.