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Do you know the differences between the movie and anime version of Demon Slayer's Mugen Train arc?
After his humiliation against base Frieza in the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, Gohan has since taken up training again and regained his Mystic Form. We discuss if this makes him powerful enough to surpass Golden Frieza.
In this article, we discuss the Tournament of Power manga ending. Were there different contestants remaining or were there any other significant differences? Did we get a different winner? Find out that and more here.
In this article, we describe the ending stages of the Tournament of Power Manga and discuss the major differences from the anime. Find out who made it to the final phase in both mediums and what their contribution meant for the end outcome.
We list and discuss the lyrics of the Tournament of Power Arc opening Limit Break X Survivor, as well as all anime endings (both English and Japanese). We also share the most popular fan covers.
Saitama vs. Goku is a discussion that often leads to flamewars. We discuss the different elements of this hypothetical fight and give our own intake. Can this question even be answered and, if so, who would win?