Hi there and welcome to anime-talk.com! My name is John Winkels. As you may have already guessed, I love anime! I have been watching them since the early 90s, although things were a lot more casual than they are now.
What started as watching some Dragon Ball Z anime, has turned into a three-digit collection of animes, mangas and light novels. While a lot of people move on from anime after going through higher education move on, my passion has only grown stronger since then. Perhaps the fact that I studied Eastern Languages & Cultures had something to do with it!
I love diving into the subtle differences between different source materials. I compare mangas, anime and light novels of the same story, study the reason and significance of these differences to share them with you.
I make a living as a content writer and have six years of experience doing so. I love playing video games, studying the dreams of myself and others and testing the internet’s latest wacky lifehacks.
Want to say hi? Have some constructive feedback? Feel free to send me an email at john@anime-talk.com!
If you want to sell your product or service to me, however, please don’t bother. You would only be wasting both of our time.
I am currently too busy to do guest posting, nor do I want your post on my site.
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